I am Lorena Palma, born in Granada, I have always been a lover of mathematics and science. Being a course away from the entrance to the University I still did not know that I was going to study, until in Technical Drawing class we had to draw a house in ink, there I realized that I liked the world of architecture, design, and construction.
In my family, there is no one linked to this world and it was a personal vocation that I did not inherit, it became a totally unknown challenge, a new world to explore.
Having started my career in Architecture, promotion 1999-2004, at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Granada, during the race I met great teachers and great classmates who today are friends, thanks to them, my family, and my environment I am the person I am today.
Before finishing my degree, with few pending subjects and the Final Project, I began an internship at the University in the DDM Arquitectos Studio and later in the City Council of Cogollos Vega (2006) where still, to this day, I continue to provide my services as a municipal architect in the Urban Planning and Works Service.
Due to my personal career and professional experience, I specialized in working within the administration; preparation of technical reports, experts, visits, procedures to obtain a Building License (major and minor), activity, urban discipline, ruin, segregations, first occupation/use, … and relationship with other administrations such as Diputación de Granada, Territorial Management of Cadastre, Basin Organizations, Junta de Andalucía, and others.